Pool silica is a type of sand for water purification that is used in sand filters in pools. Sand filters contain a substance called silica. They remove dust, insects, oils, and any other suspended particles from water that cause water pollution or clog plumbing systems.
Use of silica in swimming pool water purification
Always one of the important concerns and issues in the maintenance and use of the pool is the cleanliness of the pool water and its freedom from any harmful pollutants. Different methods and tools are also available in this field. The use of water purification filters is one of the purification methods. Sand filters are one of the most widely used filtration filters.
Sand filters contain a tank that is filled with silica, zeolite, and recycled glass; But silica has a much better performance in removing materials and particles that may cause pool water pollution and problems such as clogging of pipes or their entry into the pool. Silica sand is placed in sand filter tanks and by absorbing dust, leaves, and any other suspended particles, it has a great effect on purifying the pool water and preventing blockage of piping systems.
What is silica?
Silica is a mineral that is found in soil, and sand. The use of silica in daily life is very high, one of its uses is in water purification. Silica is used in industrial filters and swimming pools.
Silica contains fine particles in sizes from 0.5 to 8 mm. These particles are circular or angular in shape. They can filter particles as small as 20 microns.
How silica works in swimming pool water purification
The water is driven by the pool pump to the sand filter. Water enters from the top of the filter and passes through the silica particles of the pool, then moves downwards and exits the filter nozzle. The filter sand tank is filled with 3 layers of coarse, medium, and fine silica sand.
Advantages of using silica
Sand filter tanks that contain pool silica have advantages over other filters. Increasing filtration performance, cost-effectiveness, greater water clarity, reducing energy and chemical consumption are among the advantages of using silica in the pool water purification system.